Free hand commission
Free hand commission
What is a free hand commission?
In free hand commission you let me desing and make you a horse, either fully or with your criteria.
How do i order?
Free hand commissions have it's own form, copy it and fill it to the commission page's order function
Add a budget and your possible wishes and criteria to the form
After that i will desing and make you a horse based on your form and within your budget.
Example of how to fill the form
Budget: 140€
Colouring wishes and criteria: shade of brown, blaze
Wishes and criteria for mane: short mane, not black, wishing for the same shade as the fabric
Size and pattern wishes and criteria: Size S-M, pattern doesn't matter
Other wishes and criteria: pinned ears, blue eyes
Free hand commission form:
Budget: (100-170€)
Colouring wishes and criteria:
Wishes and criteria for mane:
Size and pattern wishes and criteria:
Other wishes and criteria:
If you want equipmend add this part to the form. you can find tack prices here
Equipment colour:
Equipment decoration:
Budget: (If you give me free hand for the equipment as well add budget)